Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Gym and Berlin

After a long, exhausting day at uni yesterday I decided it was time for...the gym. Yes, the gym. That word that everyone either loves or hates. The gym and I have a love-hate relationship in recent years. Right now, we came to an agreement and are in a love relationship. I feel though by the end of this week we will be back to a hate relationship. I guess we will see what happens, hopefully it will continue to be a love relationship because I am paying for a 12-month membership!

Early tomorrow morning, some girlfriends and I are leaving for Berlin, Germany...first time for me...for the weekend for a little R&R. So excited to be actually in and exploring the country I was born in almost 19 years ago! It'll be a fantastic experience despite the weather forecast for the weekend. Nothing can stop me from traveling though. A new post will be up Monday about our adventures, review and what YOU should do when you go to Berlin, Germany!

Travel on wanderlusters!

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